Occurrence of cryptococcus neoformans in excreta from pigeons in the city of Guaraí/TO





Cryptococcosis, Columba livia, HIV


The presence of pigeons in places with large circulation of people becomes a serious health problem, due to the feces of these animals, they presented microorganisms that cause opportunistic infections in humans. Cryptococcus neoformans is an encapsulated yeast that reproduces by budding and has great medical importance, as it is the etiological agent of cryptococcosis. The objective of this study is to investigate the occurrence of Cryptococcus neoformans in the excrement of pigeons in public places in the city of Guaraí / TO and to analyze the main virulence factors found in the literature, associated with these yeasts. The samples were collected with the aid of spatulas, masks and gloves and stored in sterile plastic bottles, standardized and identified as to the place and date of collection. The samples were grown on sabouraud dextrose agar at 37ºC and observed daily, for up to 10 days, for macromorphological evaluation of the colonies. Micromorphology was performed through direct examination with ink and urea hydrolysis was used to confirm the fungus. Among the samples selected to compose this study, 75% (6/8) presented the presence of yeasts coated with polysaccharide capsules. However, only 62.5% (5/8) of the samples collected showed a positive reaction for the confirmatory test, the urea test. It is important that the population be aware of the health risks that may be exposed daily by visiting the places that presented positive samples for this fungus, being visible the need for birth control policies for urban birds.

Author Biographies

Mateus Silva Santos, Instituto Educacional Santa Catarina

Graduado no curso de Biomedicina pela Universidade Paulista - UNIP campus: Goiânia, Flamboyant. Possui mestrado no Programa de Pós Graduação (Mestrado em Genética) da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás (PUC-GO). Atualmente é professor adjunto dos cursos de biomedicina, ciências biológicas, enfermagem, zootecnia e agronomia do Instituto Educacional Santa Catarina/Faculdade Guaraí (IESC/FAG).

Gustavo Oliveira Silva, Instituto Educacional Santa Catarina

Graduando em biomedicina pela IESC/FAG, aluno bolsista de iniciação científica com a linha de pesquisa em avaliação das atividades angiogênicas e antiangiogênicas de plantas psicoativas.

Matheus Victor de Moura Nascimento, Instituto Educacional Santa Catarina

Graduando em biomedicina pela IESC/FAG, monitor acadêmico da disciplina de bioquímica metabólica.

Liberta Lamarta Favoritto Garcia Neres, Instituto Educacional Santa Catarina

Graduação em Biologia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás (PUC-GO); Graduação em Biomedicina pela Faculdade Guaraí (2015); Mestrado profissional em Ciências Ambientais pela UNIVBRASIL.

