The use of design engineering as HCI technologies in Front-End development in contemporary websites




Human-Computer Interaction, Web Design, Front-End, Frameworks, Spring Boot, Spring Framework, Spring MVC


With the emergence of the computer age, people pay more and more attention to the progress of time brought by science and technology, many users are able to explore more websites through the internet network. However, many users feel a great discomfort in many websites, a consequence of a weak design in interactivity, which leads to the number of people who do not know how to handle a website, making their experiences debilitated. Following the concern of the number of websites that are not interactive, it becomes fundamental the role of a web design in the development of web platforms, since a viable solution to this problem is to create a complete access to the interactivity between the user and the system. Therefore, the Front-End design and the interaction between man and computer, is becoming very important in current times, to make the visit of users comfortable and dynamic.

Author Biographies

João Cleiton Brandão Pereira, Universidade Ceuma

Graduated in Computer Engineering from Ceuma University (2023). Has experience in the area of computer science, with emphasis on front-end development and web design

Edilson Carlos Silva Lima, Universidade Ceuma

Master in Computer Engineering with emphasis in the area of Systems and Information Technologies at the Fernando Pessoa University in the City of Porto in Portugal (expected to end in 2022), Postgraduate in Analysis and Systems Design (UFMA, 2009.1)Graduated in Information System from CEUMA University (2008.2) and Technologist in Computer Technology from CEUMA University (2003.1), worked as a Programmer, System Analyst, IT Manager, and has been a professor since 2012. He is currently a substitute professor at UEMA (State University of Maranhão) disciplines of OOP, Computer Theory and Compilers, Web Server Programming, Advanced Data Structure and Modeling and Database. Full professor at the University of CEUMA, where he is a member of the NDE of the Information Systems and Computer Engineering course and manages the Junior Company of the Computer Engineering Course (Seeds). Full Professor at Faculdade Pitágoras in the Computer Science Course since 2012

