Importance of nurses in the treatment of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) and in pulmonary and circulatory support


  • Danubia Cristina Sousa Santos Faculdade Juscelino Kubitschek
  • Fabiane Rosa da Costa Faculdade Juscelino Kubitschek
  • Ronaldo Nunes Lima Faculdade Juscelino Kubitschek



Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, Nursing care, Covid-19, ECMO


This article sought to identify the importance of nurses in the treatment of heart and respiratory failure by aiding the mechanisms of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Considering that ECMO is a beneficial support, it acts directly in the treatment of severe respiratory failure, severe heart failure and cardiorespiratory arrest by allowing extracorporeal gas exchange and together provides systemic circulation. Through literature and articles, to identify managements for patients using ECMO, patients with refractory hypoxemia and in the treatment of COVID-19, to know indications and contraindications of treatment and to address the importance of the profession. In view of this, we initiated systemic reviews on the subject in protocols, quality evidence manuals to indicate the safety of the treatment. The databases used were; Scielo (ScientificEletronicLibrary Online), VHL (Virtual Health Library) and WHO (World Health Organization). Journals in national and international databases, published between 2017 and 2022, using the Boolean operators AND, OR, NOT as research aids. Journals published before 2017, and which are outside the proposed theme and objective, were excluded. Synonyms and descriptors: ECMO, refractory hypoxemia, artificial lung support, nurse and COVID19. In addition, the parameters obtained in relation to treatment with the aid of ECMO proved to be above average with 64% of relevance; however, 11% determine the study in need of more evidence of effectiveness for the management. ECMO is a method that has been more included in treatments due to its results, bringing benefits to patients affected by mechanical cardiopulmonary diseases in situations of severe respiratory failure, heart failure or both.

Author Biographies

Danubia Cristina Sousa Santos, Faculdade Juscelino Kubitschek

Possui ensino-medio-segundo-graupelo centro educacional bandeirantes(2017). 

Fabiane Rosa da Costa , Faculdade Juscelino Kubitschek

Possui ensino-medio-segundo-graupelo colegio logus(2010). 

Ronaldo Nunes Lima, Faculdade Juscelino Kubitschek

Possui graduação em Enfermagem pela Faculdade LS , docente nas Faculdades LS ; Faculdade ESAS e Faculdade JK - Brasília-DF ;Instrutor do Instituto Brasileiro de Atendimento Pre Hospitalar- IBRAPH-SBV(Suporte básico de vida) e primeiros socorros ; Tutor no programa de residência oncológica em enfermagem no Hospital de base de Brasília. Atuou como Oficial das forças armadas Brasileira atuando na área de atendimento de emergência intra hospitalar. Atuou como gerente de diagnostico e terapia, e gerente de enfermagem do hospital Regional de Taguatinga -SES-DF. Trabalhou como assessor especial do secretario Estadual de Saúde do Distrito Federal(2015 à 2018); Enfermeiro no Hospital de Base de Brasília. Tem experiência na área de Enfermagem, com ênfase em Enfermagem; Mestrado em ciências e tecnologia em saúde; Especialista em Urgência e Emergência/Resgate aeromedico ;Especialista em Unidade de Terapia intensiva adulto; Especialista em Unidade de Terapia intensiva Pediátrica ;Especialista em Unidade de Terapia intensiva Neonatal; Especialista em geriatria e gerontologia. 

