Treatment of pulpal necrosis in a single session




Endodontic treatment, Single session, Pulp necrosis, Irrigation solutions


Endodontic treatment promotes health by disinfecting root canals and removing pain. With the evolution of endodontic materials and techniques, single-session therapy was born. Over time, questions arose about the effectiveness of the single session, especially in relation to postoperative pain and the success rate. The general objective of this work is to demonstrate that the endodontic treatment of pulpal necrosis can be performed in a single session and safely in the SUS, to explore the technique of endodontic treatment in a single session, to discuss the fight against infection of the root canal system and to relate it to postoperative pain, to analyze the benefits of this treatment in a single session for the patient and for the SUS. This is a study with a bibliographical, descriptive, and exploratory approach. The study was carried out from a search of articles and monographs in virtual health databases, specifically PubMeb, Capes, Medline and Scielo, as well as in conventional libraries and scientific journals, using the following DeCS descriptors (Health Science descriptors) : Endodontics, Single Session and Pulp Necrosis. Inclusion criteria were used throughout the review that addresses endodontic treatment in a single session. For this, 10 articles in English or Portuguese were selected from databases such as Scielo, Pubmed and Google Scholar.

Author Biographies

Rayanne Ferreira Martins Albino, Faculdade Integrada Carajas

Possui graduação em Odontologia pelo Instituto Tocantinense Presidente Antônio Carlos (2013 Araguaína). Atualmente é endodontia e clínico geral - Clínica Cláudio Fidélis. Especialização em Endodontia -Instituto de Pesquisa e Estudo de Palmas-TO. Mestranda em Dentística (2016) - São Leopoldo Mandic SP. Especializando em Dentística (2015) - São Leopoldo Mandic SP. Especializando em Odontologia Estética (2015) - São Leopoldo Mandic (SP). Professora no curso de Técnico em Prótese Dentária no ano de 2016 na Escola Técnica de Guaraí (ESFOTEC). Também demonstra experiência em atendimentos Clínicos.

Romulo Matheus Rodrigues dos Santos, Faculdade Integrada Carajas

Possui ensino-medio-segundo-graupela Escola Estadual de Ensino Médio Paulo Hannemann(2015). Tem experiência na área de Odontologia.

