Mathematics and its applicability in the State of Amazonas regarding sustainable development goal 08: decent work and economic growth




Amazonas, Decent Work, Economic Growth, Mathematics, Sustainable Development


This scientific article addresses the applicability of Mathematics in the state of Amazonas regarding Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 08 - Decent Work and Economic Growth. The study highlights the importance of Mathematics as an essential tool for analyzing economic and social data, developing prediction models, evaluating environmental impact, and creating indices to assess performance in relation to decent work indicators. Mathematics plays a fundamental role in striving to achieve the goals related to SDG 08 in the state of Amazonas. Through statistical analysis, valuable information about the socio-economic reality of the region can be obtained, challenges and opportunities can be identified, and informed decision-making can be based. Additionally, Mathematics contributes to the development of prediction models that anticipate trends and future scenarios, assisting in the strategic planning of public policies aimed at decent work and sustainable growth. Environmental impact assessment is also a crucial aspect within the context of SDG 08, and Mathematics plays a relevant role in this process. Using mathematical and statistical methods, it is possible to measure and quantify the impacts of economic activities on the environment, enabling more efficient resource management and sustainable development. Furthermore, Mathematics contributes to the creation of indices and indicators that allow evaluating the performance of the state of Amazonas regarding decent work and sustainable growth objectives. These indicators provide a clear and objective view of the progress made, identifying gaps and guiding actions to achieve established targets. Therefore, it is essential to promote the comprehensive and interdisciplinary application of Mathematics in the state of Amazonas to strengthen strategies for promoting decent work and sustainable growth. Investing in the training of qualified professionals and the dissemination of mathematical knowledge contributes to decision-making based on reliable data and information, fostering socioeconomic development and improving working conditions in the state. In summary, Mathematics plays a fundamental role in promoting decent work and sustainable growth in the state of Amazonas. Its applicability ranges from the analysis of economic and social data to the creation of models and indicators that allow assessing progress towards established goals. Thus, it is essential to invest in strengthening Mathematics as a strategic tool for sustainable development in the region.

Author Biography

Edinaldo Inocêncio Ferreira Junior, Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia

O insucesso é apenas uma oportunidade para recomeçar de novo com mais inteligência".(Henry Ford)Possuo graduação em Direito e Gestão Publica, sou Licenciado em Pedagogia. Possuo especialização em Segurança Pública e InvestigaçãoCriminal, Direito Ambiental, Direito Militar, Criminologia e Direito Penal, pós-graduando em MBA em Auditoria e Controladoria. Aluno especial no programa de Mestrado em Direito Ambiental da UEA. Mestrando Profissional em Engenharia, Gestão de Processos, Sistemas e Ambiental pelo ITEGAM. Tenho como foco a busca pelo aprimoramento do capital intelectual, visando sempre alcançar novos desafios e contribuir para o desenvolvimento eficaz na organização. Tenho experiência na área de Administração Condominial, com ênfase em Gestão de Pessoas, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: Estratégia, planejamento, controle da produção e gestão de Negócios. Possuo experiência na área de Docência e Direito Civil, com ênfase em Direito Condominial e Regularização Fundiária, juntamente em Direito Militar, Penal e Segurança Pública.

