Evaluation of the application of the cross-sectional theme ‘sexuality and pregnancy in the adolescent life’ in secondary schools in the interior of Tocantins





Teenagers, Contraceptive methods, Biology


Currently the Brazilian educational model is strongly based on teaching by skills and abilities, with an emphatic approach in the ‘Transversal Themes’. Each of these themes should be worked on seeking foundation in the daily life of the student, giving the contents worked in the classroom a real meaning. Therefore, the problem that permeates the present research is to evidence the emphatic work of the cross-sectional theme ‘Sexuality’ in schools located in a city in the interior of the State of Tocantins. With everything, the objective of this work is to express the results of a survey conducted in the 1st grade schools of high school found in the municipality of Guaraí, Tocantins states about what students know about sexuality, contraceptive methods and teenage pregnancy. The research data were obtained through the application of multiple choice questionnaires. The results obtained show that schools fulfill their role in terms of sexual education of their students and that the teachers of the biology discipline are the ones who contribute the most to this training. The non-approach of this theme in other disciplines is probably linked to the lack of training that make the teachers of all disciplines aware of the importance of transversal themes.

Author Biographies

Leonardo Guerra dos Santos , Instituto Educacional Santa Catarina

Possui graduação em Ciências Biológicas pelo Instituto Educacional Santa Catarina - Faculdade Guaraí(2018) e aperfeicoamento em EDUCAÇÃO INFANTIL pela W.R. EDUCACIONAL/ABED-ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE EDUCAÇÃO A DISTÂNCIA(2017). Atualmente é VISTORIA VEICULAR da Aliança Vistoria. Tem experiência na área de Biologia Geral.

Sidiney Ferreira dos Santos , Instituto Educacional Santa Catarina

Possui graduação em Ciências Biológicas pelo Instituto Educacional Santa Catarina/Faculdade Guaraí(2018). Tem experiência na área de Biologia Geral.

Ana Paula Martins Guimarães, Universidade Federal do Tocantins

Possui graduação em Ciências Biológicas pela Fundação Universidade Federal do Tocantins, modalidade licenciatura (2012) e bacharel (2017); Mestre em Ecologia de Ecótonos pela Fundação Universidade Federal do Tocantins, com linha de pesquisa em Microbiologia Ambiental e Ecologia de leveduras, modalidade Stricto sensu (2016). Experiência na Educação Superior como Professora Adjunto do Instituto Educacional Santa Catarina/Faculdade Guaraí, nas áreas de Ecologia, com ênfase em Microbiologia Geral e dos Alimentos, Biologia Celular e Molecular, ministrando as seguintes disciplinas: Microbiologia Geral, Microbiologia dos Alimentos, Biologia Geral e Celular, Biologia Molecular, Ecologia, Evolução e Didática de Ensino.Atualmente, Professora Regente de Biologia no Ensino Médio e Coordenadora da área de Ciências da Natureza na Escola Estadual Girassol de Tempo Integral Major Juvenal Pereira de Sousa. 

