Biosafety in graduation courses: case study in two higher education units in Amazonas
Biosafety, University education, Pedagogical Course ProjectsAbstract
Biosafety is defined as a set of actions that aim to prevent and minimize as much as possible the impacts that involve work with human beings, the environment and animals. The objective of the study was to analyze the implementation of the biosafety theme in fifteen undergraduate courses focused on the health area, two of which are Higher Education Institute (IES) located in Amazonas. To develop the study, secondary information on biosafety was used, which supported the analysis of the survey of primary information, obtained through the Pedagogical Course Projects (PPC) of the referred HEIs. It was found that only 37.50% presented the theme satisfactorily, 31.25% presented it unsatisfactorily and 31.25% did not present any theme. It will be necessary to review the PPC’s of the courses that didn’t present the theme of environmental education or that only mention some in their subjects.
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