Shoulder dystocia: the role of the emergency nurse


  • Kelma Souza Cruz Faculdade Integrada Carajás
  • Wemilly Cristiny Cardoso de Castro Faculdade Integrada Carajás
  • Larissa Luz Alves Faculdade Integrada Carajás



Shoulder dystocia, Emergency nurse, Obstetric care, Emergency care


In this article, the importance of emergency nurses in caring for shoulder dystocia during childbirth is highlighted, emphasizing their technical and emotional skills. Through a narrative review of the literature, the objective was to analyze the role of the emergency nurse in caring for shoulder dystocia, seeking to identify their duties, skills and contributions to safe and effective care during this obstetric complication. It was highlighted their role in the multidisciplinary team, providing medical and emotional support, in addition to their ability to perform specific maneuvers to minimize risks. The need for ongoing training, simulations and adherence to best practices was highlighted. We conclude that the presence and competence of the emergency nurse are crucial for safe and quality care during this obstetric complication.

