Indiscriminate use of psychotropic drugs by users assisted in primary health care: an integrative literature review
Primary Health Care, Psychotropics, Drug abuseAbstract
Psychotropic medications correspond to drugs that act on the Central Nervous System (CNS) and that can lead to dependence, as they act by producing changes in behavior, perception, thinking and emotions, modifying the way of acting, thinking and feeling. They are prescribed to people suffering from emotional and psychic disorders or those with other types of problems that affect mental functions. Psychotropics are among the most prescribed classes of drugs in the United States and South Africa. This phenomenon seems to be worldwide, since studies carried out in other countries demonstrate high rates of its use. To evaluate the evidence available in the literature on the indiscriminate use of psychotropic drugs by users assisted in Primary Health Care (PHC). The present study selected as a method one of the resources of evidence-based practice, the integrative literature review, which enables the synthesis and analysis of scientific knowledge already produced on the investigated topic. As a strategy for a good structuring of the investigated object, the PVO mnemonic was used, in this case “P”: (Population), related to “PHC Users”; “V” (Variables): “Psychotropics”, and “O”, (Outcomes), referring to “Indiscriminate/abusive use”. The search for scientific materials was carried out using the main databases and virtual libraries such as “PubMed/MEDLINE”; “CINAHL”; “LILACS/BDENF; “SciELO. A total of n: 32 articles were found, which after passing the eligibility criteria, a sample of 13 studies was obtained for the integrative review. The inappropriate use of psychotropic drugs is a major Public Health problem. The study points to some results that have already been discussed in the literature, such as: the lack of preparation and scientific training of professionals in caring for users of psychotropic drugs and the existence of barriers to initiating and maintaining adequate treatment. The main complications of use are: dependence, panic attacks, depressive and schizophreniform conditions, amotivational syndrome with apathy, decreased energy and motivation, decreased cognitive capacity. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that the current medicalization of society has serious impacts, which make it necessary to promote the intelligent and cohesive use of medicines and to combat the indiscriminate use of these drugs.
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