The reception of the multidisciplinary team in the mental health of patients with fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia, Multiprofessional Team, Mental health, Quality of life and receptionAbstract
Fibromyalgia is characterized by chronic and generalized musculoskeletal pain, involving the axial and peripheral skeleton, as well as specific painful sites on palpation, but without developed abnormalities in the musculature. Other symptomatic aspects are sleep pattern disturbances, depression and anxiety. General Objective: To describe the reception of the multidisciplinary team in the mental health of patients with fibromyalgia through a literature review. Materials and methods: This research was carried out from May to August 2022, with data collection carried out from September to November 2022. The survey was carried out using the following databases: Scielo (Scientific Electronic Library Online), Pubmed and BVS (Virtual Health Library). The descriptors that were used are: "Fibromyalgia" and Mental health", "Quality of life" and "Multidisciplinary team" and "Welcoming". In the search for them, a survey of the number of articles was carried out, and that in the process of reading the abstracts the following inclusion criteria for integrative review were followed: articles and dissertations published in full, online, in Portuguese and English, in the period understood from 2017-2022 and whose adopted methodology allows obtaining information about the objectives of the article. Eleven articles were selected for analysis with fidelity to the theme in question. Duplicate productions in the databases and articles that talk about the theme of fibromyalgia associated with other rheumatological pathologies were excluded. Results and Conclusion: It was observed that people with fibromyalgia can develop disorders such as depression and anxiety, due to their pain and depression feeling of powerlessness which affects your quality of life. Another factor observed was when these people are well accepted by their support network and know how to reframe the disease, they can effectively become protagonists in their physical and mental health. This promotes better indicators of quality of life and pain levels, improvement of anxiety, depression and sleep quality, but there are still few studies in this regard, thus requiring more research in the area.
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