Self-medication among pregnant women and related factors: integrative review




Pregnant women, Self medication, Risk assessment, Plants medicinal


Self-medication during pregnancy represents a problem for global public health, since most drugs are able to cross the placental barrier and most have not been clinically tested in pregnant women. Exposure to drugs, whether of synthetic or natural origin, during pregnancy, involves risks to the mother and fetus, which makes it necessary to carry out studies on the subject. The objective of this study is to analyze in the scientific literature whether self-medication is practiced by women during pregnancy and what factors are related to this phenomenon. This study is an integrative review where a search was carried out in the scientific databases Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO) and in the collection of the Virtual Health Library (BVS) from the perspective of the PICO strategy. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria during the identification, selection, eligibility and inclusion of research, the sample of this review was composed of 12 studies. The presence of self-medication among pregnant women was identified in all evaluated studies. Little knowledge about risks, economic vulnerability, few prenatal consultations, beliefs and easy access to synthetic medications or medicinal plants were some of the factors related to self-medication among this public. Health education during prenatal care has a positive impact on non-self-medication. Therefore, prenatal care is a protective factor against non-self-medication among pregnant women, and nursing is an essential profession for the prevention of this behavior in view of its active participation in this process.

Author Biographies

Ludmilla Alves da Silva, Faculdade Integrada Carajás

Possui ensino-medio-segundo-graupelo Fundação Bradesco (PA)(2007). Atualmente é Reguladora da Hospital Regional de Conceição do Araguaia.

Amanda Gabrielle Alves Simão, Faculdade Integrada Carajás

Possui ensino-medio-segundo-graupela Escola Estadual De Ensino Médio Prof. Deuzuita Pereira de Queiroz(2015). 

Carlos Eduardo Barbosa de Oliveira, Faculdade Integrada Carajás

Possui ensino-medio-segundo-graupela Faculdades Integradas Carajás(2016).

Thais Ribeiro de Sousa, Faculdade Integrada Carajás

Possui ensino-medio-segundo-graupelo engenheiro palma muniz(2017). 

Vitoria Letícia Fontes Souza, Faculdade Integrada Carajás

Possui ensino-medio-segundo-graupela Maria Benta Oliveira de Sousa(2018).

Camila Silva e Souza, Faculdade Integrada Carajás

Graduada em Enfermagem pelo Centro Universitário de Anápolis- Unievangelica (2009). Especialização em Enfermagem Ginecológica e Obstetrícia, pela Faculdades Integradas de Cruzeiro - Faculdade FIC (2015) Mestre em Ciências e Meio Ambiente- UFPA (2018) . Atualmente é Docente do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem da Faculdade Integrada Carajás nas Disciplinas: Saúde Coletiva, Seminários, Educação em Saúde, Necessidades e Demandas em Saúde Publicas do Pará, Políticas Públicas de Saúde, Saúde da Mulher e ao Neonatal.Orientadora de TCC. Docente do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem e Medicina da Faculdade AFYA- FESAR. Professora do Curso de Enfermagem em Ginecologia e Obstetrícia do Instituto Antônio Carlos - INCAR.

